Parents Association
Nigel Reeves
Malcolm Cooney
Mairead O’Reilly
Marty Gallagher
Parent Representatives:
Breege Murphy
Helen Stenson
The Parents Association assists and supports the school in achieving educational success and well-being for all in Coláiste Pobail Acla. All Parents/Guardians are automatically members of the Association. There is a committee made up of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who lead meetings and administer any relevant business of the Association. This committee is elected every year by its members in September of each school year.
To become an active member:
- Come to meetings to offer your opinions and assistance.
- Join the Parent Volunteer Group.
- Support fundraising events.
Parent Volunteer Group
Parents/Guardians/Grandparents can get Garda vetted and volunteer to help/supervise at school events. This will reduce the number of classes a teacher will be unavailable for, while maintaining a packed extra-curricular schedule. If you attend an event, you will not be contacted again until all other members of the group have been asked.
Please contact the Association Secretary for further information and vetting forms.